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"It is suspected that the Bengkalis Education Office Budget marks of approximately Rp. 57,221,091,816 three years."

| February 01, 2025 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2025-02-01T03:34:50Z


"The Bengkalis District Education Office is immune to the law: Clarification Letter of NGO Forkorindo and the media crew is allegedly not accounted for, the budget is questionable where."


The Riau Province Forkorindo Community Non -Governmental Organization (NGO) again highlighted the unresponsive attitude of the Bengkalis Regency Education Office, related to 2023 clarification letters that have been submitted since 2022, 2023 and 2024. Although it has attached a question about the use of the budget, and the 201/XXVI/DPD-Riau/Konf/NGO-Forkorindo/XII/2024 confirmation letter Bengkalis. 

The procurement of interactive smart panels (practice tools and students) of Bengkalis Regency Elementary School, procurement of elementary school books and procurement of educational games (APE) in accordance with e-catalog reports in the fiscal year 2022 to 2024, both in 2023, until now until now tidak mendapat perhatian atauAnswer from the Education Office. 

This condition raises the allegation, that the Bengkalis Regency Education Office is "immune to law" and does not feel the need to provide an explanation related to the allocation and use of the education budget that has been carried out every year and should realize the administration of a clean state,transparent, efficient, efficient, accountable, democratic and can be accounted for. 

The response to the clarification letter submitted by the Forkorindo NGO since 2023 and 2024 showed the seriousness of the Education Office in dealing with questions related to financial accountability. "We questioned the use of a very vital budget for education in this area, but our letter was never heeded. What really happened?" firmly the head of the DPD NGO Forkorindo Riau Province Investigation Team Syahnurdin. 

According to information obtained, the Bengkalis Regency Education Office has received the clarification letter, but there is no follow -up until now. Hal ini semakin memperburuk citra lembaga tersebut, yang seharusnya bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan anggaran pendidikan. The Forkorindo NGO assessed that the neglect of these letters could be at risk for the lack of transparency in managing public funds or state money. 

Furthermore, Syahnurdin, Chairperson of the DPD NGO Investigation Team for Riau Province, emphasized that this indifference added to the impression that the Bengkalis Regency Education Office felt immune to the law and public accountability. "We have given them the opportunity to explain the use of the budget. However, if this is left unchecked, we will take further legal steps, "Syahnurdin said firmly. 

On that occasion also Secretary General of the DPP NGO Forkorindo Timbul Sinaga. SE spoke up and also highlighted the existence of a budget that has been used in the E-Katalog (E-Purchasing) activity year 2024. The activity has been carried out payment to the provider, in that case that has been clarified and confirmation of students and schools where the recipient of the meubiler goods, lab equipment, technology equipment, information and communication, educative (APE) PAUD, and uniforms for SDN and SMPN studentsIt is clear in the clarification letter to question the name of the recipient of the goods but the Head of the Bengkalis Regency Education Office cannot provide answers in accordance with the implementation of facts in the field. 


With the alleged negligence in responding to clarification letters and allegations of budget disagreement, the Forkorindo NGO will continue to demand clarity. If the Bengkalis Regency Education Office still does not provide an explanation, the alleged report on the misuse of the budget will be continued to the Riau Regional Police Law Enforcement Officers (APH). (Editorial Team)

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