"Sekayu Regional Hospital allegedly ignored the clarification/confirmation letter for the Forkorindo NGO as if harassing, even the 2024 budget transparency was questioned."
Jakarta, detik35.com
Sekayu Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Musi Banyuasin Regency (Muba), allegedly ignored the clarification and confirmation letter from the Forkorindo NGO regarding the use of public budgets in 2024. Official Letter numbered 214/XXVI/Kab-Siak/Klarif-Conf/NGO-Forkorindo/1/2025 which was sent to the hospital until now did not receive a response, to cause allegations of unfavorary in the management of public funds sourced from the APBD or APBN.
Forkorindo highlighted a number of Sekayu Regional Hospital budgets that were allegedly not transparent, especially in terms of procurement of goods and services (Barjas), maintenance of hospital facilities, and the purchase of medicines and medical materials. The reluctance of Sekayu Regional Hospital to provide clarification raises big questions: Are there indications of irregularities in the use of these funds?
Clarification/Confirmation Letter of Forkorindo NGO which was ignored by Sekayu Regional Hospital. In his letter, NGO Forkorindo highlighted several strategic budget posts that must be explained by the Sekayu Regional Hospital, including:
1. Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Facilities and Infrastructure Supporting Hospital Buildings - Including spending on hospital building cleaning services that are allegedly not in accordance with operational standards and the amount of budget that has been allocated.
2. Procurement of Drugs-Forkorindo questioned the suitability of the procurement of drugs with e-catalog reports 2024 and how to distribute them in the field. Are there indications of delays, excess prices, or even fictitious procurement?
3. Shopping for chemicals and medical logistics - Transparency is needed related to the number and types of chemicals purchased for hospital operations and its compatibility with actual needs.
4. Procurement of equipment and other machinery - Is the procurement of medical devices and other supporting facilities in accordance with the needs and mechanisms specified?
5. Provision of office logistics materials and hospital household appliances - How is accountability in the use of funds for hospital household needs? Are there indications of budgeting or procurement of goods that are not according to specifications?
However, until the specified time limit, the Sekayu Regional Hospital did not give an official response or explanation.
Forkorindo: "Don't let the alleged corruption covered"
Secretary General of Forkorindo Timbul Sinaga SE regretted the silence of the Sekayu Regional Hospital and called it a form of neglect of transparency and accountability of public funds.
"We have submitted an official clarification letter, but until now there has been no response. This reflects the underthy in managing the health budget which should be closely monitored because it comes from public money, "he stressed.
Forkorindo suspects that this neglect is not just administrative negligence, but can be part of a systematic effort to avoid supervision. They also reminded that government hospitals have an obligation to be open to the public regarding the use of their budget.
"If the Sekayu Regional Hospital remains silent, then we will bring this issue to the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), the Ombudsman, to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to investigate the possibility of budget deviations," he added.
Indications of systematic patterns, other hospitals in Muba are also suspected of avoiding clarification
Allegations of budget openness in the health sector of Muba Regency are not the first time. Previously, Sungai Lilin Regional Hospital, Bayun Regional Hospital was also allegedly avoiding clarification/confirmation from Forkorindo related to their budget transparency. In fact, the Muba Regency Health Office is said to have helped avoid confirmation related to the management of health funds in several puskesmas in the region.
"This is no longer a stand -alone incident. If there is more than one hospital or health institution that does the same thing, there is a possibility that this is part of a systematic pattern. We suspect that there is irregularity in managing the budget that needs to be explored further, "said Secretary General of Forkorindo.
Until this news was revealed, the Sekayu Regional Hospital had not yet responded to a clarification letter from the Forkorindo NGO. Some confirmation efforts made by the media and related parties also did not get satisfactory results.
The community is now looking forward to the strict steps of the Muba Regency Government and law enforcement officials to ensure transparency in the use of public funds. If the alleged deviation is true, not only the quality of health services that are affected, but also public trust in health institutions in the area.
Forkorindo stressed that they would not remain silent. If Sekayu Regional Hospital continues to avoid clarification, legal steps and official reporting to state institutions will be pursued to ensure that the health budget is actually used as it should.
"This is not just a matter of budget, this is a matter of people's right to get proper and transparent health services. If anyone tries to cover up, there must be legal consequences for those involved, "concluded the Chairman of Forkorindo. (Red)